Now that it's late February and the New Year diet has folded like a house of cards, let's talk treats. We'll eat more or less anything here at Gadget Inspector HQ - when it comes to sugary snacks, we're not at all fussy.

That said, we are particularly partial to a chocolate chip cookie or two, particularly because we've got such a cool place to keep them:

This, friends, is a Darth Vader Cookie Jar, and it's exactly as awesome in the flesh as it looks in that photo. We've actually found ourselves popping to Tesco for another packet of Marylands just so we've got something to put in the Vader jar. It's not healthy, but we don't care - a cookie jar that cool deserves to be used!

Of course, there's more than one perk to keeping your cookies in Darth Vader's helmet. We've found that, since we started using the Vader jar, cases of cookie theft are way down; our precious cookies used to 'go missing' all the time, but who on Earth is brave enough to filch biscuits from the scariest, strangliest Sith Lord of all time? Nobody at the Gadget Inspector office, that's for sure.

We're certain that, by now, you're itching for a Vader jar of your very own. And that's the really good news: you can buy one right now! We've got plenty of Star Wars cookie jars to go around, and we've even knocked £10 off the price - Vader is now just £19.99, giving you a bit of extra money to save for sweet, sweet cookies!
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