World Book Day isn't that far off, and before we know it, it will be upon us. So before March 6th, make sure you've got the kids fancy dress costumes sorted. This event is the perfect opportunity to really get them into reading. In this day and age, where technology takes presidence over everything else, it is really important that we encourage the children of this generation to read. Kids love fancy dress, so this is a pretty good place to start! We have compiled some awesome costumes for you to have a quick glance at, perfect for those of you in a rush! Each costume is often featured as a character in many children's books, making them the perfect choices for World Book Day

  • Pirate Girl Costume - perfect for those girls who love a pirate book!
  • Medieval Maiden Costume - if your daughter loves to read about history then this is the perfect costume to encourage her interest in history.
  • Kiddy King Costume - a must have for that son of yours who thinks he's a king! There are tons of books that feature Kings, they're a very popular choice.
  • Royal Princess Costume - every girl loves to dress up as a princess, and now this is the perfect opportunity! 
  • Victorian Poor Peasant Boy - lerning about the Victorian times is so interesting, so make sure that son of yours gets involved with this costume.
  • Where's Wally Costume - everyone at some point has had a glance or two at a Where's Wally book! It is a very popular and well known costume for anyone to wear. 

Encourage your kids to get involved with World Book Day this March, once they start a passion for reading, it will stay with them for years to come!